How to Decrease (p3tog)

How to Decrease (p3tog)

Stitches  |  1 min read time

Tutorial Overview

Purling three stitches together is a method to decrease the row by two stitches.

Top Tip: Remember to keep your yarn at the front of your work when creating a purl stitch.


Step-by-step guide

Step 1:

Insert your right needle through the front of the next three stitches on your left needle.

Step 2:

With the yarn in front of the needles, wrap it anti-clockwise around the tip of the right needle.

Step 3:

With the tip of the right needle, draw a loop through and out of the 3 stitches towards the back.

Step 4:

Slide the 3 combined stitches off the left needle.

Step 5:

You have now decreased by purling three stitches together.


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