Mental Health Awareness Week and Save the Children

Mental Health Awareness Week and Save the Children

Inspiration  |  1 min read time

For this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (14-20 May), the Mental Health Foundation is focusing on stress.  As a key factor in contributing to mental health problems, considering ways to manage stress in our lives is more important than ever.

The stress-relieving benefits of knitting are multifold.  Among other things it facilitates relaxation, slows down thought processes for a clearer mind, and encourages positive thought cycles that help break down negativity.  It can also facilitate mindful meditation, which you can read more about in our Stress Awareness Month blog post.

With this in mind, the London office of Save the Children asked Stitch & Story to be part of a weeklong series of lunchtime events for staff, focusing on Mental Health Awareness and stress.  On Thursday 18th May we travelled to Farringdon to teach 15 Save the Children employees how to knit in an hour long beginners knitting workshop, using our chunky wool merino yarn and bamboo knitting needles.

Save the Children is a global charity that helps children around the world through innovative work on the ground and campaigning for change on key issues.

Between bites of cake, sips of tea and coffee, chats and laughter, the 15 workshop attendees learnt to cast-on, knit and purl within the hour.  After a quick peruse of our knitting kits and patterns, they headed back to their desks feeling a little less stressed and a lot more inspired to continue their knitting journey.




If you are interested in organising a Stitch & Story knitting workshop in your workplace please contact us at